Celebrating our 62nd Anniversary...
and our growing community!

The following rules and regulations are established to ensure the health and safety of all who use our facility. Please review with your family and your guests who use the MHRA facility. Members are requested to inform family members and guests to obey the rules and instructions of the manager and staff.

Also, members are responsible to see that their guests observe the rules and regulations. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations will be considered sufficient cause to suspend pool privileges of the offending member for a period of one to seven days. Further action as deemed necessary will be taken by the Board of Directors.

General Rules and Regulations

  1. All members must sign in and out when using the pool.
  2. Members will be eligible to use the MHRA facility only after they have paid their annual dues and maintenance dues. Membership dues and Maintenance dues (if hours have not been worked) are expected to be paid on or before opening day.
  3. No member or guest shall give a gratuity to any MHRA employee or send an MHRA employee on a personal errand.
  4. The manager has the overall responsibility for operations of the facility. Concerns or suggestions about employees or management should be directed to the manager of the facility and/or the VP of Operations and the President of the Board. Members and guests shall not reprimand MHRA employees.
  5. Persons using MHRA facilities do so at their own risk and provide their own insurance. MHRA will not be responsible for any accident or injury in connection with such use.
  6. Costs of damage to MHRA property or other property will be charged to the responsible member. Members will be responsible and liable and will be assessed for any damages or expenses caused by their guests.
  7. NOT PERMITTED ON MHRA PROPERTY: dogs, cats, other pets, drugs, chewing tobacco, spitting, profanity, roller blades, skateboards or glass containers.  Service animals are welcome.
  8. Cars shall proceed slowly, drive defensively and cautiously on MHRA property
  9. MHRA is not responsible for loss of personal property.
  10. Adult members are at least 21 years of age and have purchased a current membership. (see By-Laws).
  11. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at MHRA activities.
  12. Smoking shall be permitted only in parking area.

Swimming Rules

  1. All swimmers are to shower before entering the pool.
  2. NOT PERMITTED ON DECK SURROUNDING POOL: running, pushing, wrestling, jumping, or other activities dangerous to self or others: food, beverages, gum, and toys.
  3. No toys or flotation devices are allowed in the pool except at the discretion of the lifeguard on duty.
  4. Life jackets will be allowed in the shallow end if the parents are in the water with the child. They are not permitted in the deep end, only the shallow end. Water wings are not allowed.
  5. NOT PERMITTED IN THE VICINITY OF THE DIVING BOARD; running, excessive jumping, more than one person on the board, diving or jumping off the side of the board, activities dangerous to self or others.
  6. Appropriate swimming attire is required; bathing suits, board shorts, rash guards are acceptable. Underwear, bras, t-shirts, athletic shorts,  sweats or denim is not permitted.  Swim diapers are necessary for all children who are not completely potty trained.
  7. Children who have not reached their 12th birthday before the opening day of the pool shall not be permitted in the pool area unless they meet ONE of the following requirements:

    -   Accompanied and supervised by someone 17 years or older.
    -   Have on file, in the office, a parent signed permission form for being at the pool alone and has passed the basic swim test:
         -   Swim 50 yards
         -   Float for 2 minutes
         -   Tread Water for 2 minutes

    (In either of the above, the pool manager has the authority to amend these rules should disciplinary or other situations be present.)

  8. Swimmers under age 18 must be able to pass the basic swim test in order to use the deep end or the diving board. Otherwise, only if a parent/guardian is within arm's length of the child, at all times, will they be permitted in the deep end or to use the diving board. The use of flotation devices is not permitted in the deep end even when a parent is present.
  9. Swimmers under the age of 7 are only permitted in the water with a parent or guardian. The swimmer must stay within arms reach of the said parent or guardian at all times, even if they have a life jacket or can swim on their own.
  10. No person with a contagious skin disorder, infection, inflamed eye, or Band-Aids on will be admitted to the pool.
  11. Parents should direct their children to use the lavatory facilities.

The manager or manager designee shall be responsible for the conduct of all employees. Employees shall be accountable and responsible to the manager for their conduct. Employees while on duty shall not patronize guests and friends. Employees shall be under supervision of the manager who will operate the pool in accordance with rules established by the Board of Directors. Members shall not reprimand employees. Any concerns should be submitted to the VP of Operation or President of the Board.

Eligibility for Facility Use
Marine Hills memberships consist of immediate family members only; those living in the household and/or dependent children. Anyone not directly related to the member or associate member will be considered a guest, see guest privileges for details. Members will be eligible to use the pool facilities only after they have paid their dues and special assessments. Dues are to be paid on or before the opening day of the pool facility annually. Each person in a member family is to be registered at the pool office where member's names will be kept on file. Members must check in and out at the office desk when entering and leaving the pool facility.

Guest Privileges

  1. Members will be permitted to bring guests.
  2. Guests must be accompanied by an adult of a membership, adhere to pool rules and regulations, and must leave the pool when the member leaves.
  3. Members must register guest by name and provide emergency information.
  4. Non-members will be admitted as a pool guest only by invitation for special programs or events as determined by the manager and/or Board. (Opening day, Membership Promotion, etc.)
  5. All guests will be charged a guest fee, to be determined by the Board. See fee schedule for current guest fees. It is the member's responsibility to pay the fee or collect it from the guest.
  6. Long Term Guests: Any guest, living outside our service area and residing with a member family for six weeks or more may be considered a "Long Term Guest‟ and be added to the membership for the duration of their stay. They will be granted membership privileges for their stay and will be removed from the membership at the end of their stay providing the following is provided:

    -    Member information
    -    Guest information: name, age, address
    -    Visit information: arrival and departure dates
    -    A fee of $6.00 per week per guest (plus tax)

  7. Short Term Guests: Any guest, living outside our service area and residing with a member family for a period of 2—5 weeks may be considered a "Short Term Guest‟ and may purchase a "Short Term Guest Card.” By purchasing a "Short Term Guest Card‟ the guest agrees to adhere to our guest policy and provide the following:

    -    Member information
    -    Guest information: name, age, address
    -    Visit information: arrival and departure dates
    -    A fee of $6.00 (plus tax) per week per guest. Short Term Guests will not be required to
          pay guest fees associated with social functions.

  8. All minor guests must have a medical release form and a non-member waiver form signed by their parent(s) or legal guardian.
  9. Members are responsible for guests proper use of the facility.
  10. Guests must adhere to pool rules and regulations
  11. Pool Manager reserves the right to exclude any guest
  12. Nanny/Caregiver: Nanny/caregivers are allowed unlimited visits to the pool, with the member's children, without paying a guest fee. However, nanny/caregivers are not allowed to visit the pool without the member's children or member's and they may not bring guests to the pool. Nannies may bring their own children to the pool, while accompanied by the member's children. The nanny will be required to pay guest fees for their own children.  Nannies and Caregivers must be accompanied by the member.
  13. Daycare: Members that run daycare in their home may bring the daycare children to the pool. The guidelines are; they must pay guest fees for each daycare child. If they purchase a guest card the guest card must have “Daycare,” written on the front and the daycare children's name written on the back. Emergency information [parents name and phone number] and any allergies or medical conditions will be written on the back of the card next the child's name.
  14. Non-Members entering the pool without paying will not be allowed in as a guest for the remainder of the year.

Swim Team

  1. A swim team is offered for MHRA members of good standing only (dues and fees paid).
  2. Registration and fees are handled by the Treasurer.
  3. Swim team coaches and staff (employees) conduct is accountable to the pool manager.
  4. Members are responsible for their own gear and equipment.
  5. Volunteer hours during swim meets are required for swim team membership.

Court Rules

  1. Courts are offered for the use of members.
  2. Guest privileges—Rules and Regulations Section “Guest Privileges” shall be followed.
  3. Sign in at the pool office before entering the court areas.
  4. NOT PERMITTED: loitering, leaning against the nets, and glass containers.
  5. Members may bring court guests, for a fee of $5.00.
  6. Members should report to the management any strangers found inside the tennis courts.
  7. Please restrict your court time when others are waiting. Limit your play to completion of existing set.

Swim Lessons

  1. Swim lessons are offered to both members and nonmembers.
  2. Registration and fees are handled online and at the pool office.
  3. Sessions are scheduled by age and ability.
  4. Rules and Regulations shall be followed.
  5. Nonmembers shall leave the pool area after swim lesson is over.
  6. Swim staff (employees) conduct is accountable to the pool manager.

Activities Rules
All activities, i.e. pickle ball, volleyball, etc shall be conducted in a safe and orderly manner following the rules posted by management.

Facility and Equipment
The pool facility and equipment shall be kept in good safe condition. The management and Board shall take the necessary action to see that the facility is being kept in good safe conditions and meets current standards and codes.