Celebrating our 62nd Anniversary...
and our growing community!

These prices don't just buy you full access to our beautiful outdoor pool and tennis courts, they also get you into the tight-knit community of families from the surrounding area. Compare our rates to other private clubs in the area...you'll find that our rates are a great deal! Better yet, there's NO WAITING LIST

Once your application is turned in and has been given approval -- that's it, you're in!

Don't miss being a part of this community!


2025  Marine Hills Swim & Tennis Club Membership Pricing
Fund Fee
Sales Tax
Total Cost
Annual Membership Maintenance
F ees *
  Fish & Tree
 Half Season

Note: All annual dues, operating fund, and maintenance fees are subject to 10.2% sales tax.


*Annual Membership Maintenance fees are DUE to be completed by Opening Day each season. Fees may be refunded back if the required work hours are completed on or before the closing work party in September. Fish & Tree memberships are required to work 10 hours and Social memberships are required to work 5 hours.

**There are No Annual Membership Maintenance fees or requirements for Retired (Emeritus) members.